The pieces all pulled together after exploring various ways of working with dyadic art therapy contacts from a training workshop -
using blue tack & plasticine
Here we are focusing on a dyadic model (two people in the therapy with a therapist) of relationship repair especially between young people and their caregivers. My job is to help you express yourselves, understand each other and develop, maybe repair, your relationship.
We are making new meaning. We have a robust Initial Phase to see how we can work together and if this is the right model. We then plan alternate sessions: one with both of you in the room with me, and the other with just the caregiver to enable a space for discussion and action planning. It is rooted in YOUR relationship, not the development of a new one with me, as is the classic therapy style.
This is based on various models, theories and experiences but Bruce Perry’s PACE model is key and may be a helpful place to start: